Sunday, July 11, 2010

Viva La Roja!

Granada Bull

Today’s World Cup final has been many years in the making, and I think we are in for a very memorable match. While I’ve got nothing against the gentlemen in Oranje (scratch that: they're jerks), after staying in Spain for a month or so and falling in love with the country, I want to see La Roja raise that kind of goofy looking trophy in triumph. Wish I could be there with you Oli, Arturo, and Sasu! Viva Espana!

Paco De Lucia - Granada [buy]


  1. Que grande eres Derek!
    Viva la roja coño!!!

  2. Si señor!!! And we won Derekito...What a night, last night!!!...Uf..I´ll send you picts with my massive belly :D Big kiss xxx
